

charge的用法与搭配:用作及物动词接名词或代词作宾语;可以接that引导的从句用too much或heavily等修饰;用作不及物动词时、常接for表示收…的费,接down表示冲锋;charge后可接双宾语常与介词for连用。



1. 用 “charge” 表示 “(商家对产品或服务)要价,收费”。

The museum charges £30 for a day ticket – it seems very expensive.

This diner doesn't charge you for the soft drink refills.

2. 在法律语境下,用 “charge” 表示 “(警方,检方)指控,控告(某人的罪行)”。

He was charged for stealing from the company.

The police are going to charge her with fraud.

3. 用 “charge” 表示 “(给电子设备)充电”。

I need to charge my phone before we leave. It's only got 10% left.

Are you charging this laptop?

4. “Charge” 还可以表示 “猛冲,向...方向冲去”。

The bull charged as soon as it saw the red cloth.

She charged into the kitchen to put out the fire.


electric charge[电磁]电荷 ; 某些基本粒子的属性 ; 轻松一笑 ;[电]电费

elementary charge[物]基本电荷 ; 元电荷 ; 电子电荷 ; 基元电荷

charge pump[电子]电荷泵 ; 给料泵 ; 充电泵 ; 进料泵

packing charge[包装]包装费用 ; 包装费 ; 包装用度 ; 装箱费

Planck charge普朗克电荷

Canton Charge坎顿剑客 ; 达科他巫师

transport charge运输费 ; 运输费用 ; 运输费运输费用 ; 转运费

transportation charge转运费 ; 搬运费 ; 转运脚 ;[交]运输费

additional charge附加费 ; 补充装料 ; 附加费用 ; 补充充电