1:involve的基本意思是如在网中一般拿住或抓住。可以表示整体性质的包括(可以是自然的包括,也可以是必然的结果); 对必不可少的要素的包括和对必要条件的涉及; 也可以表示将人或物带入不易挣脱的境地之中(通常强调复杂纷乱和窘迫); 还可以表示有意或额外增加一些观点和项目,使事物复杂化或混淆,从而给自己或他人增加困难。
VERB 需要;包含
If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part or consequence of it.
Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed...
VERB 牵涉;涉及
If a situation or activity involves someone, they are taking part in it.
If there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government.
VERB 使陷入;使卷入
If you say that someone involves themselves in something, you mean that they take part in it, often in a way that is unnecessary or unwanted.
I seem to have involved myself in something I don't understand.
VERB 使参与;使介入
If you involve someone else in something, you get them to take part in it.
Noel and I do everything together, he involves me in everything...
VERB 使承担;使面对
If one thing involves you in another thing, especially something unpleasant or inconvenient, the first thing causes you to do or deal with the second.
A late booking may involve you in extra cost...