Pronunciation 的可数性取决于它所指的意义:
当 pronunciation 用来表示抽象的“发音”或者侧重于发音的动作时,它是不可数名词。
当 pronunciation 用来指代发音的不同形式或种类时,它是可数名词。
例如,当我们谈论不同人的发音方式时,可以说 "She speaks English with a French accent," 此时 pronunciation 是可数的。当我们谈论发音的基本规则或概念时,可以说 "Pronunciation is an important aspect of language learning," 此时 pronunciation 是不可数的。
pronunciation 可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词,具体取决于它在句子中的用法和意义。
1. The teacher demonstrated the pronunciation of difficult words to help the students improve their language skills. (老师演示了难词的发音,以帮助学生提高语言技能。)
2. I struggle with the pronunciation of certain sounds in French. (我对法语的某些音的发音感到困难。)
3. She practiced the pronunciation of her name in English to make it easier for others to say. (她练习了自己在英语中的名字的发音,以使别人更容易说出来。)
4. It's important to pay attention to correct pronunciation when learning a new language. (学习一门新语言时,正确的发音非常重要。)
5. My pronunciation is still not perfect, but I'm working on improving it. (我的发音还不完美,但我正在努力改善它。)