英语四级口语两人对话样题 双人互动节模板



英语四级口语两人对话样题 双人互动节模板


Task 4 Pair Work

In this task, you will talk with your partner about a plan of travel. Suppose you have three days to go sightseeing together. Talk with each other and make a plan for your trip. Your plan may include:—place(s) to visit—schedule—means of transportationYou will have one minute to prepare and three minutes to talk. Remember, this is a pair activity and you need to interact with each other. Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the pair work. Now please start to prepare.


Your plan may include:

—place(s) to visit


—means of transportation


When you hear the beep, please start to speak.


Thank you. That is the end of the test.


Task 4 Pair Work

双人互动: 此部分要求两位考生根据所给的情景和任务进行互动,考查考生传达信息、发表观点和意见等口头交际的能力。讨论的过程应有问有答,注重互动。时间控制在3分钟以内。

Candidate A: I can't believe summer holiday is coming.Candidate B: Me either. Do you have any plan for the holiday?Candidate A: Well, I'd like to travel to New York City for three days.

Candidate B: So when are you going on vacation?Candidate A: Next week.Candidate B: How will you go there?

Candidate A: By plane.

Candidate B: Have you decided where you would like to visit?

Candidate A: Er, actually, I have no idea. I would like to visit all the scenes of spots in the city. Do you have any suggestion?

Candidate B: Well, I think you can begin with “Chinatown”, such as Gravesend, and Eighth Avenue.

Candidate A: Good idea. I am really looking forward to there.

Candidate B: The second day, you can visit the Statue of Liberty, which is at Liberty Island, then, Ellis Island where you could visit the Migration Museum. After that, you may go to Wall Street, Ground Zero, and Brooklyn Bridge. In the evening, you have the chance to enjoy the beautiful night scene of Times Square.

Candidate A: Wonderful. I've seen them for many times from my textbooks, and it's a part of my dream.

Candidate B:You are lucky that your dream will come true very soon. OK. The third day you won't want to miss the United Nations, Broadway, and the Empire State Building.

Candidate A: In fact, it's also a great attraction for me.

Candidate B: OK, I think you'll have a great memory of these places.

Candidate A: I am so excited that I'll see all the scenes with my own eyes!

Candidate B: Yes, and I believe it'll be a great time. Be sure to bring back some photos and show them to me.

Candidate A: Of course, I will. Thank you for your help.

Candidate B: You are welcome.




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